Main terms
1. Only videos containing type as the active component can participate in the contest. Videos must be created during 2017–2020.
2. Individual authors, as well as creative groups, may take part in the event. There are no age restrictions.
3. Participation in the contest is free. Every contestant can send an unlimited number of entries.
4. Entries should not contain authors' surnames to ensure independent work on behalf of the jury.
5. The name of the uploaded file must be written in Latin letters, it must also contain the author’s surname (or surnames).
6. The chronometry of the uploaded file should not exeed 3 minutes. Chronometry of group projects is negotiated separately.
7. The image size should not be less than 720x480 pixels. File size should not exeed 300 mb. Allowed formats: wmv, avi, mov, mp4, flv.
8. The submition of the videos begins on the 1st of March, 2020 and ends on the 1st of May, 2020. Works submitted after that date will not be accepted.
Legal responsibility
1. If you use any kind of music (with or without lyrics) as well as creations by other people, be sure to indicate the name of these works, the names of their authors, and the sources you borrowed the work from in the titles.
2. The member, who provides a video for the contest, warrants that he has the exclusive rights for the video and that all of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization (including works, performances, phonograms), which were included in the video, are used lawfully. The member, who provides a video for the contest, warrants that the use of the video, including showing it to the public via Internet, public performance, public display and cable broadcasting will not break the legal rights of third parties, including copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights and will not damage the honor, dignity and business reputation of third parties.
If the organizers recieve any claims, demands, actions, arising in connection with the use of the video (or its fragments) by third parties, organizers of the competition will not take any responsibility before the third parties and the member himself will take full responsibility at his own expense. Specified in this paragraph guarantees and commitments in regard to a particular participant shall enter into force on the date of the loading of the actual video, which means members agree to the Terms of participant involvement, including this paragraph.
3. The submitted videos enter the festival fund. The member, who provides a video for the contest donates the contest organizers the right to use the video (or its fragments) by reproducing it, as well as showing it to the public via Internet, public performance, public display and cable broadcasting in non-profit purposes, both during the competition and after its completion. This right is given the organizers of the contest straight video is downloaded.